Pre-Departure Briefing

Be prepared for your study abroad adventure with our comprehensive guidance before and after you reach your destination.

Pre-Departure Briefing

Be prepared for your study abroad adventure with our comprehensive guidance before and after you reach your destination.

Going to study abroad is a significant decision, and proper preparation is essential to ensure you can make the most of your decision. At Trinity International, we understand your anxiousness, about venturing into the unknown. You can stop worrying, as we provide detailed pre-departure briefing sessions covering everything from travel arrangements, accommodation, cultural orientation, safety tips, and more, ensuring a smooth transition to your new destination.

Our Extensive Pre-Departure Support

Pre-Departure Checklist

A detailed checklist of essential tasks and preparations that you need to complete before departing for your study abroad destination, including visa documentation, travel arrangements, accommodation, health insurance, financial planning, and other important considerations.

Country-Specific Information

Comprehensive information on the destination country, including culture, customs, climate, language, currency, transportation, safety, and other practical information, to help you adapt to the new environment and make a smooth transition.

Documents You Must Carry

We provide a detailed list of the documents that are requested during your travel and ensure you have them to smoothly navigate all important travel and immigration requirements.

Border Control & Customs Regulations

We help you understand what you can or cannot take, and how to take goods like food, medicine, etc. in a legal manner.

Cultural-Sensitivity & Adaptation

Tips and guidance on understanding and adapting to the local culture, customs, and social norms of the study abroad destination, to help you build meaningful connections, avoid cultural misunderstandings, and thrive in your new environment.

Emotional & Social Support

Guidance on managing the emotional challenges of studying abroad, including homesickness, stress, and cultural adjustment, and tips on building a social support system, making friends, and engaging in local communities, to help you thrive emotionally and socially while studying abroad.

Your questions answered

Common questions

Yes, it is very important, even if you intend to stay at a family member’s house.

Most food categories are not allowed to be taken along, especially meat and dairy. You may take spices and standard bottled items (MD, Kist, etc.).

If you do have food in your luggage, you must inform the customs or regulations or else you may be charged a penalty, if they find it in your luggage.

We recommend you arrive at the airport at least 4 hours before your flight.

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